About Me — Mark Jones COO

Mark Jones
Mark Jones COO
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2020


Welcome to my new website — as everyone else seems to be doing one of these; I thought I would join in! I guess it’s a true reflection of our changing times, even more so after the events of 2020, that we now find it normal to reach out to strangers in the online world. We trade information, share details and stories, and in doing so we’re building our own online communities and support networks.

So let’s get the boring background stuff out of the way first. I’m Mark Jones COO — Chief Operating Officer — and I work as a specialist financial sector consultant for a number of small and medium-sized firms based in and around London. I’ve operated in this field for over 20 years now, and have built up a considerable amount of expertise in areas around financial control, legal implications of financial operations, advice on financial health and well-being for companies and Directors.

You can expect my website to cover all of the above, and more besides. Because this year, we’ve learned that those online communities that we visit and those support networks we build are more important than ever. For some people, all outside in-person contact ceased back in March 2020. Imagine writing that sentence in any other year: it would have been perceived as a sign of madness!

I’ll be uploading articles and thought pieces monthly, and you can follow me on my (also new!) social media too. Let’s use this new world to reach out and connect to each other: I’m committed to following-back on all my social media platforms, so make sure you reach out and say hi.

2021 is going to be a series of epic and unprecedented (you knew I had to get that word in somewhere!) for businesses. Whether you operate within the financial sector or not, you have some increasingly difficult financial challenges to navigate as 2021 begins.

The global economic downturn caused by the global pandemic that had just begun to reach us by this time last year. Business grant schemes, furlough schemes, new apprenticeship and work placement schemes to navigate and negotiate. What should and shouldn’t you be doing to preserve and grow your business in the New Year?

On top of that, businesses in the UK face the additional challenge and uncertainty of Brexit: at a time of an already massive global crisis, has the UK deliberately made things worse for itself now? With a no-deal Brexit increasingly on the horizon, what does it all mean for you? Have you made any starts to the new forms and regulations governing European trade, or are you still hoping for a deal to reduce the impending legislative burden you may be about to face?

Have the Government truly done all they can in this instance, or have they sold us down the river? More thoughts on this topic over the coming months, in fact, let’s face it, that’s something we can all guarantee we’ll be talking about for quite some time!

So these website pages will contain some advice, some thoughts (some rambling, some to the point I hope!), some topical Brexit-related coverage, some news and current affairs of the financial kind, and of courses ultimately it will provide a platform for me to connect with others who have an interest in the financial and legal operations of businesses in the UK today.

I’m Mark Jones COO — thanks for reading.



Mark Jones
Mark Jones COO

Self-employed and independent COO — chief operations officer — advising accountancy firms across the City of London and UK.